In the book of Revelation, the Great Harlot symbo- lizes the unmatched ungodly nature of the End Time generation preceding the return of Christ.
Today just as scriptures predicted: Idolatry, corrup- tion, gross immorality, wickedness, deception & rebellion against the God of the Bible exist in the world at unrestrained levels & in all walks of life, greater than at any other time in human history. This is why she is also named the "Mother" of harlots in these End Times.
She "sits" on "7 mountains" (Rome)
John the Revelator saw the Great Harlot having her final position as "sitting upon" 7 mountains. He specifically clarifies that the 7 heads repre- sent "7 mountains on which the woman sits". This clearly pinpoints Rome since Rome has been known as the "city of 7 hills" for over 2000 years & to this day. The Apostle John himself & the 1st century church recognized the correlation of this symbolism with Rome.
"The 7 heads are 7 mountains on which the woman sits." [Rev.17:9] .
She "is" Rome....
Later, in a subsequent verse, Rome's End Time role is completely crystallized by John when he specifically states (Rev. 17:18) that the Harlot herself whom you saw "IS " the great city. Clearly, Revelation pinpoints Rome as the final End Time city of sin & headquarters of the Great Harlot. No other city qualifies. Just Rome.
"And the woman who you saw is the great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth." [Rev.17:18].
In effect, John saw the woman-Harlot (Rome) sitting upon 7 hills (also Rome).
"The great city" [Rev.17:18]
Without question, the city of Rome (the Great Harlot) stands alone throughout world history as being "the great city". No other city in over 2000 years (from before the 1st century) even comes close to Rome in terms of duration & abominations & atrocities performed upon the human race. [ ie. crusades, Inquisitions ].
The Roman Empire (Rome) of 2000 years ago under Caesar Nero slaughtered up to 5 million persons including children, women, Christians & Jews, by most historic records. Then, Israel's last standing Temple in Jerusalem was also destroyed in 70 AD by the 1st century Roman Empire (Rome) with well over 1 million killed.
Today, 1700 years have passed from the rise of the Roman Papacy (313AD - today) proving Rome's horrific track record of the Inquisitions where tens of millions of persons were tortured & killed (by the Papacy of Rome) for non-sub- mission to Rome . [view Inquisitions below]
This is the exact meaning of what John saw in advance (in his 95AD vision) when he wrote:
"And I saw the woman (Rome) drunk with the blood of the saints, & with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. And I wondered greatly." [Rev.17:6].
Prophetically today, Rome's religious tentacles have now gripped over 1 billion religious people worldwide in fulfillment of her role as the Great Harlot of the End Times. The rest of the unsus- pecting world naively looks at her with some degree of favor or even reverence as predicted.
Yet, even with unparalleled amounts of blood on her hands historically, the church of Rome still exalts herself while carrying out blasphem- ous & false traditions which oppose God's Word. At the same time, Rome adorns herself with a religious facade as being today's "Holy Roman Church". Again, John's foresight of this is recorded in the book of Revelation :
"And I saw a woman (Rome)...... full of blas- phemous names...." (Rev.17:3). "And the wo- man (Rome) was clothed in purple & scarlet & adorned with gold & precious stones & pearls, having in her hand a gold cup full of abomi- nations & of the unclean things of her immor- ality......". [Rev.17:4].
"And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous names, having 7 heads & 10 horns." [Rev.17:3] "And upon her forehead a name was written, a mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots & of the abominations of the earth." [Rev.17:5]
Pope Gregory IX - 1232AD Ordered the INQUISITIONS, lasted for centuries [ bio ]
Jan 6 2007
Cardinal Angelo Sodano
Pope Pius IX - 1846-1878
Longest - reigning Pope / Organized First Vatican Council in 1870 [ bio ]
Benedict with Vatican Judicial Court / Jan 27, 2007
Benedict on his throne / Dec 2006
Benedict in United States / April 2008
Yankee Stadium Mass
CLICK Map ^ to view ALL stats of Roman Catholic Membership worldwide
A Closer Look at the Pope >
Roman Catholic Church Membership Worldwide
Vatican caught in Money-Laundering row after Italian investigators find suspicious Bank Deals
Priest Abuse Victims
Protest at Vatican
"and the woman (Great
Harlot) who you saw IS
the great city." (Rome)
[ Rev 17:18 ]
From ROME to Berlin:
"Still a Vatican Europe"
Judge OK's Settlement
between Los Angeles
Archdiocese and Child
Sex Abuse Victims
[ Landmark $660 Million settlement / more than
500 sex abuse victims ]
Over 1 billion Catholics Worldwide / 1 out of 7 persons on earth LINKED to the Papacy
Head of Church of England Meets with Pope Benedict
[ potential massive exodus of Anglicans to ROME as a result of Benedict's special outlines in 2009 opening the door for Anglicans (Anglican Leaders too) to NOW become Roman Catholics ]
Expanding its End Time Religious-Political clout and Tentacles... Globally
Benedict XVI Promotes 24
new Cardinals, totalling 203 worldwide, most ever
[ ".....to win back Europe's soul....." Benedict XVI ]
5 Anglican Bishops Leave Church of England and Join Catholic Church
Pope Benedict XVI and World Council of Churches Leader Reaffirm Common Goals for Visible and 'United' Worldwide church
April 18, 2008 in New York, USA
VATICAN emerges as Key
Player in Global Politics
[ is 2nd only to USA in Political Relations with 178 Other Countries / 188-USA ]
With over 1 BILLION pledged followers and most every World Leader in his corner, Benedict XVI is unparalleled as today's #1 World 'Political' Leader, wrapped in a Religious Robe. Revelation labels him: the False Prophet.
900 Anglicans Join
Catholic church
(including 60 Ministers)
November 20, 2010 / News below
says Vatican [ *ALL OTHER denominations like Protestant
& Lutheran are not since they do not recognize the authority of
the POPE ] / ( CBC News )
Benedict XVI Approves Jan 1, 2012 Launch of national expanding of Catholic Church in USA
Benedict XVI and Catholic Church decide to
sell its Internet Investments in Pornography
Benedict XVI Approves Catholic Church's
purchase of Calif. Mega Church Crystal Cathedral for $57 Mil
Great Harlot / ROME expanding in USA
Great Harlot / ROME expanding in USA
Huffington Post
USA Banking giant JP Morgan Closes VATICAN's Bank account due to Lack of Transpare- ncy [ amid tax fraud & Money- Laundering allega- tions against the VATICAN ]
Belfast Telegraph
VATICAN 'accepted 1 billion lire' to bury Mob Boss next to former Popes underneath Vatican [ in ling- ering murder mystery ]
Papal Catholic System:
Proven to be the greatest system of unprecedented corruption, persecutions and deception in the last
20 centuries exactly as
ROME'S religious & political tentacles infiltrate every facet
of today's world exactly as foretold of the GREAT HARLOT
Reuters News
Centuries of VATICAN / PAPACY Evil History
( Corruption, Gross Sexual Sins, Bribery, Murders )
[ ANTICHRIST photo ID'd ]
TOO ( 33 SECS )
VIS News
Benedict XVI Warns Catholics of Pentecostals & Evangelicals in Latin America
100% PROOF Pope Francis is ANTICHRIST
Antichrist is 'the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan...and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.' [2 Thess. 2: 9,10]