Is the leader of the longest surviving organization in world history, 2nd to none. [ the Catholic church started about 1700 years ago in 313 AD. ]
Leads world history's single-most mur- derous organization [Catholic church] that has slaughtered more millions of innocent people [Christians, Jews, etc.] & over the longest period of time. (through hundreds of years of the Inquisitions / *see News below)
Dwells in St. Peter's Basilica, a virtual graveyard, where hundreds of dead bodies are now buried underneath.
Practices many occultic rituals like repetitious chanting, using objects for rituals like rosary beads, candles, black crosses, etc.; (even seats himself with an inverted cross behind him.)
Prays for dead people, believing that
he (the pope) has the power to deter- mine their eternal destiny.
Prays to dead people ("saints") who have been dead for hundreds of years, expecting a divine answer from them. [ ie. Mary, St. Francis, etc. ]
Allows & welcomes his followers to bow to him, kneel & kiss his hand (ring) & even worship him; chooses to be paraded through crowds of millions of worshipful onlookers to receive their adoration & exalting of him.
Carries a cross of a "dead Jesus" which subliminally reminds all viewers that the pope is alive as the "vicar of Christ" on earth, & that Jesus is "dead".
Sits on his own throne.
Has an exclusive religious costume that signifies his priestly supremacy over all Catholics & Christians world-wide.
Has his own castle, his own city (Vatican City), his own judicial court system, his own bank [Vatican bank], his own police, his own military guard, his own downline of thousands of Catholic leaders worldwide who bow to him, as the "Holy Father".
Exalts himself & other people (even dead ones) above the Lord Jesus Christ. (*ie. Mary, St. Francis & various other dead "saints", etc.).
Other facts about the Papacy
Benedict April 16, 2006 / Rome balcony
Pope Benedict reminds Catholic Leaders worldwde
of "their Vow of Obedience to the Pope"
Benedict 2005 / Rome balcony
"Vatican change of heart over 'barbaric' Crusades"
[ Vatican (Benedict) has begun moves to rehabilitate the Cru- saders...."John Paul's apologies (in 2000) for past "errors of the Church"......irritated some Vatican conservatives....including Joseph Pope Benedict XVI." ]
[Pope says, "All non-believers will be saved......even without biblical faith." /
News Archives: Nov. 30, 2005.]
[Pope says "he is the perpetual & visible beginning & foundation of the unity of bishops & of all the faithful."
News Archives: June 30, 2005.]
Archives include many antichrist claims of Benedict like:
Benedict XVI on his throne / September 2006
[ all 265 popes, in historical order ]
Vatican (Benedict) Declines comment about (Holocaust) Archives
Aug 2005 / Jewish Choir
Director meeting Pope
"Pope (Benedict) says church must be more selective in picking saint candidates"
Believes outrageous claims about him- self & his earthly authority & world superiority which totally oppose the Word of God. [ Vatican Council 1 & 2 ]
Related Links:
Beast with "two horns like a lamb" and
longest-greatest "Christian" masquerade
through history as foretold
JP II kneeling, praying to the dead in tomb underneath St. Peter's Basilica
and the 'Highest Word of Authority on earth' ? >>>
Many persons
don't know that...
VATICAN's "Legal Claims" to Rule over Jerusalem:
Leading to 7 Year Tribulation
The most Exalted and Favored Man on earth among 7 billion people, 2nd to NONE. The Pope
in the world today, wrapped in
Papal Communion - the Eucharist:
A SATANIC PRACTICE, performed publicly and boldly to a blind generation.
Although Jesus said communion is to be a reminder, receiving it "in re- membrance" of Him [1Corinthians 11:24, 25], the Popes created the satanic tradition of "transubstantia- tion", believing that the bread and grapejuice "literally" become the "physical body and blood" of Christ before Popes receive their communion.
If this Anti-Biblical ritual were true, it would amount to the Popes engaging in cannibalism of the Savior and Lord, which is exactly what they believe is occurring in their false tradition of communion "conversion".
Worse, the Popes have succeeded in persuading over 1 Billion persons globally to gladly partake in this satanic practice which mocks Christ, year after year.

BREAKING GOD'S RULES: Benedict XVI - Praying to the dead at Pope Pius XII's tomb and expecting answers to prayers directly opposes God's Word and is a satanic practice. The POPES also thumb their nose at God since they wear 'hats' while praying which directly opposes God's Word. The Bible states "Every man who wears something on his head while praying or prophesying, disgraces his head." [1Corinthians 11:4]
May 2009 / Benedict opposes the New Testament and disrespects the Jews by keeping his 'hat' on while praying at the "Wailing Wall" in Jerusalem.
Bold, public, satanic spiritual beliefs
No other, except the PAPACY, fulfills scriptures regarding the False Prophet. Not only is he the most exalted man by the world, having an unprecedented 1.2 Billion followers .... but he also "exalts himself" above all others. [2Thess 2:4]
The P A P A L Killing Machine: the Crusades, Reformation, Inquisitions
A Huge End Time SIGN -- In Plain View:
The Pope Publicly Rehearses the nearing
A Modern-Day "Caesar": Popes fulfill the precise
meaning of '666'
November 2, 2010 (right >): Benedict XVI performs the Anti-Biblical ritual of bless- ing the dead body of John Paul II under- neath the Vatican in preparation for pos- sible future "sainthood" by Benedict XVI, another Anti-Biblical concept which pre-tends to exalt the Popes to the ultimate "Judge" of a person's eternal destiny.
Benedict XVI Elevates John Paul II One Step Closer to Sainthood / Benedict XVI's extravagant Ritual of "beatifying" a dead person until the Pope himself decides later whether or not to make that person a "saint" (canonize) is pure folly to Spirit-filled students of the Bible. In the May 1st ritual, the Vatican exhumed the casket with Pope John Paul II's dead body for public reverencing along with having JP II 's leftover blood also held up as a relic for public homage. (News). Over 1 Million naive followers crowded Rome, and with worldwide TV coverage.
False Traditions of pure Folly / satanic rituals:
Revelation's False Prophet [ Papacy of Rome ] "exalting himself" as the ultimate "judge" of sainthood
Antichrist is 'the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan...and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.' [2 Thess. 2: 9,10]
NEWS / Over 10,000 child - sex abuse charges against 4000 Priests
Jesus' own instruction states: "DO NOT call anyone on earth
'Father'; for One is your Father, who is in heaven." (Matthew 23:9). However, the Pope snubs his nose at God's Word, exalting himself as the "Holy Father", and fooling over 1 billion fol- lowers to address him as such.
The global media and other world leaders also do the same.
Vatican, Pope exalt satanic rituals, beliefs
100% PROOF Pope Francis