the Anointing of God's Power and the Gifts of the Spirit:
In the meeting in AUG (2010) in Metro-Atlanta, GA. the gifts of the Spirit operated powerfully when a lady with evil spirits walked in whom I had never seen before and within just moments of her sitting down, I had specifically told her that she "had opened the door for evil spirits to afflict her by operating in tarot cards and forms of witchcraft in her past."
She immediately admitted this to the amazement of her Spirit-filled Christian friend who she had walked in with. After ministering the Word of God to the spiritually-bound lady, I then prayed for her at her request to BE FREE, resulting in God's anointing of power saturating her and setting her free, with her tears of joy. She also renewed her walk with God since she had accepted the Lord years before but had not followed through.
Also in this same AUGUST Meeting, her born again friend was suffering from non-stop pains down her side and through her leg, which she requested prayer for. Immediately during prayer, the Lord brought healings to her to our amazement and PRAISE to God!
Besides myself, 6 others in this Ministry's FACEBOOK
network have ALL been present in some of these meetings, and on the RECEIVING END themselves of God's miracle power, including the young lady who the Lord completely and INSTANTLY HEALED from Fiber- myalgia after having it for 9 years, ALL GLORY TO GOD !
founder, Patmos Ministries / HeIsNear.com ~