The BAN on using the NAME of "Jesus" Across AMERICA
Top 5 States in AMERICA which BAN and MAKE ILLEGAL ANY Prayers with the NAME of Jesus or even "mentioning" His NAME:
Virginia: ACLU has voiced the opposition to mentioning the name of Jesus before any city council meetings in the state of Virginia. If you live in Virginia and wish to have your voice be heard in opposition to this ruling please connect with your senators, house of representatives or local city council members. With your diligence it could be overturned. An appeal to the Supreme Court is being formed and your help is needed. You don't have to live in Virginia to be affected by this and no matter where you live, you can do something to overturn this anti Jesus prayer decision.
North Carolina: Public prayer in the name of Jesus by private citizens was banned in North Carolina. Any prayers in Jesus' name are considered "illegal words" specifically in Forsyth County North Carolina. No prayers using Jesus are permitted at or before any city counsel meetings. This information has been verified by The Christian Alliance Defense Fund in Forsyth County, North Carolina. Contact your elected officials to overturn this decision. Call Chairman Richard Linville at 336-727-2531 to ask him to appeal this to the Supreme Court. Connect with the senators of your own state to voice your position on saying prayers because of free speech anywhere anytime.
South Carolina: Prayer at or before city council meetings has been banned in South Carolina. No one is to pray in the name of Jesus at or before any city council meetings. Atheists complained they were offended by the free speech of the "illegal word" JESUS. describes the anti-Jesus court ruling. This decision will affect every state and yet can be overturned with your help. Sign petition and be vigilent to keep free speech alive.
West Virginia: West Virginia is among the states to ban prayers mentioning Jesus before or at city counsel meetings. You can donate to a reliable cause by connecting with this website. This Internet site gives valuable information to not only West Virginia status regarding the banning of prayers mentioning Jesus, but has very deep data for all 50 states.
Maryland: The state of Maryland has banned the prayers in Jesus name at or during any city counsel meetings. This is widespread that will affect all 50 states if an appeal is not made. Please check this website to read more of the many ways you can support an appeal. There are petitions already formed on this site for you to fill out your information for free.
"U.S. Appeals Court Upholds BAN on words "Jesus Christ" in Public Prayer