ONLY speculation is continually heard today about the identity of ANTICHRIST, even mentioning some of the world leaders shown below as possible candidates.
In fact, 100% of America's popularized TV Bible proph- ecy Preachers, Prophecy authors, Bible Scholars and End Time 'experts' are still UNANIMOUSLY seen and heard publicly pondering about 'who Antichrist could possibly be?'. [ ie. Hal Lindsey, John Hagee, Jack Van Impe, Perry Stone, Jimmy-Donnie Swaggart, Ed Hindson, Joel Rosenberg, Tim La Haye, Jerry Jenkins and others ]
Worse, today's trusted Prophecy 'experts' in America are ALSO publicly bewildered as to "Who?" the '2 men coming' could possibly be, a huge error made in 1970 in the 'The Late Great Planet Earth' by Hal Lindsey. Result? A blinded generation for 4 decades.
In fact, the Bible shows only 1 man coming, not "2". Also as Heisnear.com and its books emphasize, a simple fact of history proves that up until the mid-1800's, each of the previous 18 centuries clearly understood the exact profile of ANTICHRIST starting with the Apostle John himself by the Revelation vision on Patmos Isle in 95AD. [Link below: 1st 18 centuries]
The Bible also foretells of a keen global awareness nearing the 'start' of the Final 7 Year Tribulation of ANTICHRIST's unprecedented world acclaim and UNMATCHED status as the greatest political ICON in world history. Revelation symbolizes this by portraying him as a 'conquering rider on a white horse'. [Rev 6:2]
All of these foretold dynamics are RIGHT NOW at an APEX on the world's stage and are spotlighted with riveting clarity at Heisnear.com.
The End Time final 1- World Dictator is identified at this site as already being in clear process of readying to carry out ALL of the foretold specifics of his End Time role, and doing so NOW in PLAIN VIEW to this generation.
KEY scriptures which identify this 1 MAN are found below for this generation's QUICK GRASP so as to NOT be fooled or blinded any longer to the 'elephant standing hugely in the front room' of TODAY'S End Time world stage. The LINKS below go to the prime sections of Heisnear.com which unfold in detail this crucial topic of ANTICHRIST. The closer one looks, the more immediately clear it becomes.
"WHO is Antichrist? We don't know. No one knows!"
GOD'S WORD provides vast amounts of detailed infor- mation regarding Antichrist & his exact PROFILE so His people will 'KNOW' (Math 24:33), & not be fooled. However...
ANTICHRIST : shock - controversy
Revelation 13:12 specifically shows that the coming 1-World Dictator of Today's END TIMES will be the FALSE PROPHET of Revelation. (Pope of Rome / one- and-the-same-man as ANTICHRIST. BOTH terms (False Prophet & Antichrist) being synonymous).
At the MID-7 YEAR POINT is when the POPE will rise into his Final Role of DICTATING to the Final 1-World GOVT & to the people on earth.
'And he (false prophet/Antichrist/Pope) will EXERCISE ALL AUTHORITY in the presence of the (1st GOVT) Beast with 7 heads & 10 horns.' (Rev 13:12)
'Revealing' of Antichrist